Why Should You Use Handshake?

  1. Get hired 
    Discover and land jobs and internships.

  2. Get discovered
    Get messaged by employers that want to hire you.

  3. Get connected
    Connect with employers and learn more about their company.

  4. Get expert help
    From career-building resources to employers recommended by our career center.

What Can You Do on Handshake?

  • Upload your resume and share documents with employers
  • Register internships
  • Sign up for mock interviews
  • Search and apply for on-campus/student employment jobs, internships, and full-time positions
  • Apply for and schedule on-campus interviews
  • Register for exclusive events

Important Notice

Every University of Iowa student has an account automatically created for them. Click the button above, then use your HawkID login to activate your account. Do not log in with your email address unless you are an Alumni. 

If you can't log in with your HawkID and HawkID password, you can request an account


Sherry Rhinehart

Sherry Rhinehart

Senior Specialist, Employer Engagement & Experiential Education

Handshake Hires

Read advice from students and graduates who found their internship or job on Handshake!