Getting Started

Cover Letters 101
View this quick 60 second overview of the basics of writing a cover letter.
What does a cover letter look like?
Not sure what information to include in your cover letter or how to format? Check out our piece-by-piece breakdown of what you need to know.
→ Utilizing the Job Description
Cover Letter Worksheet
Before you begin writing your cover letter, take some time to reflect on who you are and your experiences. Utilize this worksheet to review your experiences and jot down some notes.
Strengths-Based Cover Letters
Integrating your top 5 themes from Strengths into your cover letter, resume, and interview
Other Types of Cover Letters
If you’re interested in a company, but they don’t have positions currently posted, you may want to send a Letter or email of Introduction/Inquiry -
We Offer Cover Letter Reviews!
If you would like to have your cover letter reviewed, please schedule a meeting with a Career Coach or Peer Advisor! If you have a time sensitive request, come in to the Pomerantz Career Center (C310) during drop-in hours from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Monday–Thursday while classes are in session.