Job Search Checklist

Break down your job search into manageable steps.

You don’t have to do every step in order; for example, you can start working on your resume before you decide what specific job you are interested in. Check of as many of these steps as you can, and you will be well on your way to a job.

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Job Search Checklist

Step 1: Know Your Career Priorities

  • Identify values, interests, and skills/strengths
  • Search keywords of jobs skills to identify job functions that may be worth considering
  • Consider top three geographic areas to live and work
  • Research potential career fields: typical entry level jobs, typical salaries, best geographic location for jobs, & expected job outlook
  • Research organizations or companies that hire someone with your skills, interests, and experience ( or LinkedIn are great tools)
  • Identify at least 10 employers for the type of work you’re seeking

Step 2: Get Ready for the Job Search

  • Create a LinkedIn® account and have it reviewed
  • Develop resume and cover letter; have them reviewed by the Career Center
  • Write and practice elevator pitch for short encounters when attending networking events
  • Create networking contact list including people you know and people you need to know
  • Request and prepare at least three individuals to be references
  • Incorporate in-person and LinkedIn networking into job search strategy
  • Use a neutral/professional email address to give employers (e.g. UI email address)
  • Create a professional sounding voicemail message
  • Own an interview suit/outfit that is appropriate for field
  • Prepare for interviews by practicing responses to typical questions and/or do a mock interview

Step 3: Implement Your Job Search Strategy

  • Decide on 2–3 careers/job fields to pursue
  • Network with friends, parents, faculty, alumni, and other to let them know goals and gain advice and referrals
  • Apply to job postings and consider temporary work via temp agencies or gig sites
  • Attend career fairs, company presentations, professional association meetings, and conferences
  • Broaden the scope of job search to include alternative Plans A, B, and C as part of job search strategy
  • Track and follow up on applications submitted either by phone or email
  • Prepare for each interview by researching the organization and create a list of field related questions to ask
  • Follow up after job interviews with thank you emails or cards
  • Research salaries/benefits and know how to negotiate when ofers are made
  • Discuss options with trusted others (such as Career Advisors or mentors)
  • Keep network informed of progress and ofer thinks when an ofer has been accepted
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