Events - Tabling & Information Sessions
Requesting an Event in Handshake
Step 1: Log into Handshake
Step 2: Go to "Events" from the left navigation menu or "Create an Event" from the middle of the homepage. Post your in-person OR virtual event.
Step 3: Complete the form and submit.
In-Person Events
Tabling and/or Information Sessions are most frequently held in the early evening as a group presentation followed by questions. There are generally fees or a required food purchase for all of these in-person locations. Employers should market their own events by reaching out to student organizations and departmental contacts/career coaches.
Iowa Memorial Union:
To reserve a room in the Iowa Memorial Union to host an information session, please visit this webpage to learn about the available meeting rooms. Each webpage has information on room layout, capacity, and rental pricing for public organizations. Once you know what room you would like to reserve, email or call 319-335-3114 to inquiry about specific date and time availability. All food and beverage must go through University Catering – no exceptions.
Business - John Pappajohn Business Building:
To schedule a table in the John Pappajohn Business Building, complete the online form.
To schedule an information session or table in the Seamans Center, please contact Kalindi Garvin -
Other Venues to host information sessions: Downtown Restaurants
Employer Office Hours: To schedule Employer office hours in the Career Center, request a room in the Career Center through
Employer Coffee Chats: Employers interested in a casual atmosphere for students to ask questions might consider a coffee chat - work with a coffee shop in Downtown Iowa City and then offer to buy student coffee and answer questions.
Virtual Events
Engage with students through live virtual sessions that highlight your employer brand and/or help students prepare to successfully navigate the recruiting process. Whether you host an Ask Me Anything session, an Employer Panel, feature Employee Resource Groups, or give an inside look into the roles you recruit for, your industry, or your recruiting process, there are so many ways to use this platform to connect with students through different approaches and topics.
Requesting Virtual Events in Handshake
Best Practices for Virtual Events
- Tailor your Title: Include your company’s name, be clear on the topic, give an indication of who would be interested. (Sample title: “Company Name Presents: A Day in the Life of a Insert Role)
- Elaborate in Your Description: Include the types of roles you are hiring for, mention your target audiences, and have a statement that describes what students will walk away with. (“Hear directly from last summer’s interns about their experience with Company and what to expect from our recruiting process. Perfect for students with abc skills/majors and interested in xyz.”).
- Post at Least the Week Before. This allows time for students to see the event and for us to do some promotion for you.
- Promote Outside of Handshake: Reach out to applicable student organizations and let them know about your upcoming event
- Check out these resources from Handshake: Hosting Virtual Events and Virtual Meeting Best Practices & Resources for Employers
- Leave the Description Blank. There are a lot of events vying for students' time. If they can’t determine whether an event will have value for them (or is for them), they won’t attend.
- Use Abbreviations/Jargon. Instead of “ERG” write “employee resource group.” There are terms we use daily in the professional world that students don’t have a context for yet.
- Post the Day Before or Same-day. Again, there are a lot of notifications students are getting for virtual events. IF yours comes out same-day or the day before, it’s likely to get missed.