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- All Majors Career Fair
All Majors Career Fair
Thursday, February 27, 2025 - 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Main Lounge (1st Floor) & International Ballroom (2nd Floor), Iowa Memorial Union
This fair will focus on recruiting students in ALL MAJORS for full time positions and internships!
- No pre-registration is required; however, view all details about the fair in Handshake including a list of employers and keep up to date with changes!
- Tips for Connecting with Employers at an event
- Download a map to your mobile device.
- Update Your Resume - Drop-in hours are M-Th, 10 am - 3 pm, C310 Pomerantz Center or schedule an appointment on MYUI.
- Attend a Prepare for the Fair Session : Do's Don'ts & Donuts! Both sessions are in the lobby of the Pomerantz Career Center (C310 Pomerantz Center) - 2/24 + 2/25, 3-4 pm.
- Prepare for the Fair Handout
- Bring your Student ID, copies of your resume and Dress for Success! The event is business casual or professional attire. **If you are in need of free business casual or professional attire, please visit the Clothing Closet at Iowa, G200 (ground floor) of the Iowa Memorial Union.
- Make sure you visit the Student Hospitality in Room 245 across from International Ballroom to get final advice from a career coach or print your resume.
- If you need a break from distraction and need a break from the noise, Quiet Room provided in Room 257 - we ask that noise is kept to a minimum for student guests.
- Parking will be busy this day. IMU Ramp and North Ramp most likely will be full. We suggest trying the Old Capitol Ramp and Tower Place Ramp or find street parking.
- Download the Handshake app in advance to navigate the Fair and research employers in advance! (available for download on both iOS and Android)
- Get your free photo taken at the LinkedIn Booth in International Ballroom Lobby (2nd floor)!
Questions? Email Jo at Joanna Halsch
Please ship items after Feb.20 to:
The University of Iowa
Guest and Event Services
159 Iowa Memorial Union
Iowa City, IA 52242-1317
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa events. If you are a person with a disability and require an accommodation in order to participate in this event, please contact the Pomerantz Career Center, (319) 335-1023.