Career Peer Advising

  • Best for quick questions, resume and cover letter reviews, LinkedIn information, help with Handshake, and overview of Career Center services.
  • Location: Pomerantz Career Center, Monday–Thursday, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. when classes are in session
  • Appointments are staffed by our Peer Advisors.

Career Coaching

  • Best for 30 minute discussions about major and career decision-making, internships/gaining experience, job search, applying to graduate school, and more. 
  • Appointments are scheduled according to your self-selected Career Community
  • Available to current undergraduates (all majors) and alumni within 12 months of graduating with their bachelor’s degree.
  • Masters students in Accounting, Actuarial Science, and Computer Science contact us to schedule an appointment.
  • Engineering and other graduate majors, see our additional Career Service Offices page. 

Meet the Career Coaches

Lynne Sebille-White
Pinned content, custom sorted.

Lynne Sebille-White

Senior Director, Career Coaching & Campus Partnerships
(Career Coach)
Alicia Joens

Alicia Joens

Senior Specialist, New Student Partnerships
(Career Coach)
Headshot of Kaitlyn Bailey

Kaitlyn Bailey

Employer Engagement Events Specialist
(Career Coach)
picture of Mallory Becraft

Mallory Becraft

Associate Director, Career Coaching & Campus Partnerships
(Career Coach)

Sara Burden

Senior Associate Director, Employer Engagement (Career Coach)
Abi Case

Abi Case

Employer Outreach Specialist, Employer Engagement
(Career Coach)
sauvik goswami

Sauvik Goswami

Associate Director, Assessment & Analytics
(Career Coach)
Crystal Lewis

Crystal Lewis

Associate Director, Career Development and Strategic Partnerships (Career Coach)
Paula Ross

Paula Ross

Assistant Director, Peer Programs
(Career Coach)
Hannah Shelton-Hauck

Hannah Shelton-Hauck

Employer Engagement Specialist
(Career Coach)