Sauvik Goswami
You can find Sauvik on a trail. Whether it’s on a hike with his wife or walking their two dogs (Remy and June), he loves being outside!
Playing the FIFA game series on Xbox and buying shoes. If you want to discuss strategy on manager mode in FIFA stop on in!
Advice for Students
"I attended my first career fair as a first-year student. I wore my senior year prom outfit (bright green shirt and golden tie… Go Trojans!) and quickly realized I was not prepared. That is when I decided I needed to stop into the Career Center. With coaching, I was able to maximize the next four years of my time at the University of Iowa and start my profession in higher education. It may sound scary or daunting, but stop into the Career Center at any point in your journey. We are here to help you avoid those awkward moments at career fairs!"
Personal Motto
"There are 20,000 moments every day, be present at all of them to make it worth it!"
Dream Job
Career Coach, though he does sometimes daydream about opening a breakfast food truck that is open all day with the specialty being chocolate chip pancakes
Top 5 Strengths
Positivity – Relator – Maximizer – Strategic – Arranger
Career Communities I Coach
Health & Wellness
Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Innovation