Zach graduated from Iowa with a degree in Economics and a certificate in Sustainability in the spring of 2013. Zach held various positions within the Iowa City community to help contribute to a better environment and community. He was involved at Research Fellowship, Iowa City Summer of Solutions, and The Englert Theatre. Zach even traveled to Gurgaon, India where he was an Intern at the Institute for Rural Research and design. Here, Zach conducted economic analysis of subsistence farming methods throughout villages.
In 2011, Zach was awarded the fellowship through the Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates (now named, the Office for Undergraduate Research). This position focused on water quality management for use at West High School. Zach’s duties were to create lesson plans for middle school students regarding water quality. Zach understood that he could empower these middle school students to charge their community by educating them on the issues Iowa faces with water quality. Zach truly believed if these younger generations were inspired to take ownership of their water quality it would work to address the resistance and poor practices of traditionally older generations that are battling water quality issues.