Josh Krakauer(link is external) started his own company, Sculpt(link is external), 5 years ago upon graduating from the University of Iowa. Sculpt is a creative agency that aims to help brands connect with their customers through marketing and social media strategies.
How did you land your current job?
I created it. Sometimes the best path to getting your dream job is to hire yourself.
What are your responsibilities at your job/ what does a typical work day look like?
At Sculpt, the buck stops with me. My days are often meeting and email heavy, and stretch well beyond the team goes home. The five categories of things I do include:
1. Team Support: Working closely with individuals to make sure they have the resources and answers they need to succeed and stick around.
2. Client and Implementation Support: Working on the stuff we produce, and relationships with our clients.
3. New Business Development: Working on the sales stuff. Closing leads, writing proposals, and planning new engagements.
4. Sculpt Growth and Development: Working on short-term operational tasks and long-term strategic plans to keep us forward thinking and moving.
5. Self Growth and Development: Working on expanding the things I know (this industry changes so darn fast).
How did you choose this career field?
The emerging field of social media marketing sat right at the intersection of my personal interest in online community building, and professional interest in branding, marketing, and content creation.
What advice do you have for current students?
Leverage your “University of Iowa card,” but don’t abuse it. Your student status and a passionate pitch will land you a call or meeting with nearly any alumni you’d like to meet. Consider the top 3 roles or careers you’d like in 3-5 years. (Dream big!) Use LinkedIn, UI faculty, or alumni databases to find 10 contacts that fit that description. Ask for their career story, take copious notes on whatever they’re willing to share, and genuinely offer to help them in return. Act on what they say. Keep in touch after. Share your progress. Be grateful.
What advice do you have for current job-seekers?
The recipe to getting the job you want is answering why your name on their (company’s) resume will be worth more than their name on your resume.
What is the most important thing you’ve learned since graduating and entering the professional world?
The answer is always no until you ask.
What networking tips do you have?
“What’s your story?” produces 10x better results (conversations, first impressions, outcomes) than “what do you do?"