Career Peer Advising
- Best for quick questions, resume and cover letter reviews, LinkedIn information, help with Handshake, and overview of Career Center services.
- Location: Pomerantz Career Center, Monday–Thursday, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. when classes are in session
- Appointments are staffed by our Peer Advisors.
Career Coaching
- Best for 30 minute discussions about major and career decision-making, internships/gaining experience, job search, applying to graduate school, and more.
- Appointments are scheduled according to your self-selected Career Community
- Available to current undergraduates (all majors) and alumni within 12 months of graduating with their bachelor’s degree.
- Masters students in Accounting, Actuarial Science, and Computer Science contact us to schedule an appointment.
- Engineering and other graduate majors, see our additional Career Service Offices page.
Meet the Career Coaches

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Lynne Sebille-White
Senior Director, Career Coaching & Campus Partnerships
(Career Coach)

Mallory Becraft
Associate Director, Career Coaching & Campus Partnerships
(Career Coach)

Crystal Lewis
Associate Director, Career Development and Strategic Partnerships (Career Coach)