This internship course (CCP:1201) provides students with an opportunity to expand on their internship experiences by developing learning objectives and reflecting on their experience. They are tasked with connecting their internship experience to their academic coursework and their future career goals.
Pomerantz Career Center Academic Internship Course
General Information
- This does not meet CPT/Academic Training requirements for international students on an F-1 or J-1 visa doing full-time internships during the fall or spring semesters.
- If you have financial aid or scholarships, be sure to contact the Office of Student Financial Aid to make sure you will still be eligible!
- Students must have secured their internship in advance of enrollment.
Internship Minimum Requirements
- Professional experience which relates to student's major field or career interest
- At least 80% professional work
- Occupies at least one academic term (fall, spring or summer)
- Requires continuous supervision by a professional in the field (not a student)
- Must participate in the internship and take the course during the same semester
- Must work a minimum of 6 weeks at the internship site
- 1-3 satisfactory/unsatisfactory credit hours available based on number of hours working in internship and course assignments
- 1 credit hour for minimum of 75 hours of internship experience
- 2 credit hours for minimum of 150 hours of internship experience
- 3 credit hours for minimum of 225 hours of internship experience
- Check with Honors on additional requirements if you are registering this course for Honors credit
Student Eligibility
- Non-transfer students must have completed 24 semester hours of UI coursework
- Transfer students must have completed 12 semester hours of UI coursework
- Minimum cumulative and UI 2.0 GPA (if below good academic standing, academic advisor approval is needed)
- Cannot be dual enrolled in another internship course
- This course is repeatable up to 3 credit hours
- Students must have secured their internship in advance
- The course has a limited number of spaces available each semester
- F-1/J-1 international students must also apply for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) via ISSS
- Engineering students with internships/co-ops should register through Engineering Career Services
Register Your Internship
Course Assignments
Required prior to beginning this course and the internship experience:
- Fill out internship reporting record on Handshake with job description and register on MyUI once approved.
- Include your site supervisor's email address and add them as an approver - they will be asked via Handshake to approve your participation in the experience. You will not be approved for course registration without their approval.
To be Completed Throughout the Course and Internship Experience
- Harassment Bystander Training Online
- Job Responsibilities and Learning Objectives Statement
- Journal Reflections
- Networking & Discussion Board
- Mock Interview
- Final Paper
- Internship Evaluation completed by Student and Employer
Hawkeye Experience Grant
Is your summer internship eligible for funding through the Hawkeye Experience Grant?
Have Questions?

Sherry Rhinehart
Senior Specialist, Employer Engagement & Experiential Education

Jennifer Noyce
Associate Director, Experiential Education