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Science Research
Science Research
Careers in this community focus on designing and conducting research to improve products, processes, and ways of living.
Meet the Community Coaches

Lynne Sebille-White

Explore Careers in Science Research
- Check out Exploring Majors & Careers page (scroll to What Can I Do With This Major?).
- See what Hawkeyes in your college/major are doing after graduation using interactive post-graduation dashboards.
- The Occupational Outlook Handbook and O*Net contain information on duties, education and training, pay and job outlook.
- Careers in:
- Bureau of Labor Statistics - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
- College Grad - Life, Physical, and Social Science Careers
- STEM Careers
Related Student Organizations and Activities
Want to put your interests to good use? Join other students who share them. Discover student organizations on campus which relate to science and research. You can browse the database by letter or search by keyword or name for locating student organizations.
Some examples of organizations that may be of interest:
- American Chemical Society Student Chapter
- Biochemistry Majors Club
- Microbiology Undergraduate Student Association
- oSTEM@Iowa
- Society of Physics Students
- UI Bio
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
Also consider volunteering as a way to explore your interests, build your resume, and connect with the community!
- Local non-profit organizations
- Volunteer Center of Johnson County (search for local opportunities)
- Hawkeye Service Breaks
- Student Organization Fair (held at the start of each semester)
In addition, you can find other activities and events through the Division of Student Life.
Professional Organizations
Professional organizations are a great way to explore, prepare, experience, and achieve your career interests and goals!
- Explore - Learn what people in the industry do, talk about, and take action on
- Prepare - Learn about job titles, companies, and organizational/thought leaders
- Experience - Check out resources, including specialized job boards and LinkedIn groups to locate mentors and job shadowing/informational interview opportunities
- Achieve - Polish your professional image by taking an active part in your industry’s association. Reach your goals through networking and the professional development opportunities your association provides.
Plus, professional associations often offer discounted memberships to students!
Suggested Search Terms for Jobs and Internships
Quality Control
- Quality Assurance, Quality Lab Technician
- Other terms: QC Analytical Chemist/Scientist/Engineer/Manager
Research & Development
- Research Technician, Research Assistant
- Other terms: Research Scientist, R&D Scientist/Chemist, Cosmetic Chemist
- Lab Assistant, Lab Technician, Lab Analyst, Applications/Analytical Scientist
- Other Terms: Chemical Operator, Samples Chemist, Pharmaceutical Testing Technician, Microbiology Technician, Physical Scientist
- Clinical Research Assistant, Clinical Lab Technologist, Clinical Trial Assistant/Specialist
- Other terms: Medical Technologist, Toxicology Technologist
- Process Development Scientist, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Manufacturing Scientist
Food Science
- Food Safety Supervisor, Food Safety Inspector, Food Processing & Packaging, Product/Ingredient Development
Other Industries: Science Education, Pharmacology, Sales, Forensics, Field Science, Regulatory Affairs
- For health care and patient care search terms, see the Health & Wellness career community page.
- For environmental, conservation, and sustainability search terms, see the Environment & Sustainability career community page.
Research, Internship, and Job Resources
Research Opportunities
- UI Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities
- Additional UI Summer Research and Preparation Programs
- Carver College of Medicine Office of Health Parity Opportunities for Undergraduates
- Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR)
- Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
- National Science Foundation - Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites
- ORISE Research Fellowships & STEM Internships
- Pathways to Science Summer Research Opportunities
- Summer Pre-Health & Research Opportunities
- Study Abroad
Internship and Job Opportunities
- Actalent Sciences Careers
- Chemistry Internships
- Chemistry Jobs
- Forensic Science Jobs
- Lab Assistant Jobs
- Lab Technician Jobs
- Life Sciences Jobs
- ORISE STEM Internships & Research Fellowships
- Physics Internships
- Physics Jobs
- Research Assistant Jobs
- Science & Technology Jobs
- Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships
- State Hygienic Lab
- The Wildlife Society
- UI Research Internships (post-graduation)
Past Student Internship Experiences
Below is a sampling of internship sites that Iowa students have registered in recent years.
Educational Curatorial Internship, Brookfield Zoo
Quality Control Lab Intern, Gelita USA, Inc.
Research & Development Intern, Integrated DNA Technologies
Lab Tech Intern, Red Star Yeast
Advanced Research Intern, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Paleontology Intern, UI Paleontology Repository
Research Intern, Viewpoint Molecular Targeting
Research Intern, Iowa Diabetes
Research & Development Intern, Proctor & Gamble
Heart to Heart Research Intern, UIHC Obstetrics & Gynecology
Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Chicago Fossil Lab
Learn About Careers from Professionals provides an easy way to explore careers and learn about job search strategies through thousands of 1-2 minute videos.
Analytical Chemist
Molecular Biologist
Petroleum Geologist
Job & Internship Postings
This list is a small sample of what is in Handshake.
View all opportunities