Arts, Media & Entertainment
Do you consider yourself to be creative, expressive, or imaginative? Are you interested in learning about developing public relations campaigns, stage production, or creating museum exhibits? Does is sound like fun to work in a less structured environment with the freedom to voice your originality? Could you see yourself planning art projects or sporting events for others to enjoy?
Careers in this community focus on composing, writing, designing, and performing.

Do you like the idea of providing financial, accounting, and tax support? Are you interested in doing financial or data analysis to inform business decision making? Could you see yourself working in a corporate environment collaborating with others to accomplish company goals? Does it sound like fun to track investments, monitor income and expenses, or manage wealth?
Careers in this community focus on performing financial reviews, preparing accounting records, and building analytical tools to aid leadership decision making.
*Once enrolled in or after having completed a Pro Prep course, a Tippie undergraduate student will begin to see the Tippie Career Services office for one-on-one career-related appointments.

Data & Information Technology
Do you consider yourself to be a systematic, precise, or efficient person? Are you interested in learning about preparing statistical charts, writing code, or analyzing data? Does it sound like fun to test computer programs and software applications? Could you see yourself working in a constantly changing high-tech environment?
Careers in this community focus on developing computer systems, managing computer networks, and interpreting and presenting data to address industry problems.
*Once enrolled in or after having completed a Pro Prep course, a Tippie undergraduate student will begin to see the Tippie Career Services office for one-on-one career-related appointments.

Do you consider yourself to be helpful, patient, or understanding? Are you interested in learning about best methods to reach students or setting curriculum standards? Does is sound like fun to explain ideas and concepts to a classroom of learners? Could you see yourself teaching others to assist with understanding and comprehension?
Careers in this community focus on facilitating learning by guiding and encouraging others.

Do you consider yourself to have strong problem-solving, mechanical, or mathematical skills? Are you interested in learning about how things operate or turning an idea into a functional creation? Does it sound like fun to examine ways a process, product, or technique can become more efficient? Could you see yourself working to address complex problems within manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, or military operations?
Careers in this community focus on the application of math, science, and technology in order to invent, design, build, and improve.
*Students in the Engineering Career Community should visit the Student Development Center, 3612 Seamans Center. Peer Advising is available on a drop in basis.

Environment & Sustainability
Do you consider yourself problem-focused, thoughtful, or eco-friendly? Are you interested in learning about human/environment interactions or conservation efforts that support sustainable living? Does it sound fun to conduct field work outside? Could you see yourself analyzing environmental data through geologic mapping, helping to prevent environmental hazard disasters, or advocating for “going green?”
Careers in this community focus on studying the physical aspects of the earth and applying knowledge to educate and inform on how to protect the environment and human/animal health.

Health & Wellness
Do you consider yourself to be nurturing, curious, or solution-focused? Are you interested in learning about how the body works and how to keep it healthy? Does it sound like fun to work at a hospital, clinic, laboratory, or recreation center? Could you see yourself working with specific populations, like athletes, children, senior citizens, or animals?
Careers in this community focus on decreasing illness and injury and supporting others to be healthy and wholesome.

Helping & Counseling
Do you consider yourself to be supportive, generous, or empathetic? Are you interested in learning about mental health, criminal probation, or community development? Do you take pleasure in empowering others, handling a crisis, or developing resources? Could you see yourself working at a clinic, a community center, a non-profit organization, a church, or starting your own private practice?
Careers in this community focus on understanding people, supporting them through difficult times, and equipping them to grow and thrive.

Law & Public Service
Do you consider yourself to be ambitious, resilient, or optimistic? Are you interested in learning about developing public policy or addressing issues through governmental initiatives? Does it sound like fun to argue legal issues or lead a civic improvement project? Could you see yourself working for a city, state, or federal agency or non-profit organization?
Careers in this community focus on public affairs, politics, and serving the community.

Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Does it sound like fun to try to lead or influence those around you? Are you interested in working at an early-stage startup or at an established company with a culture of innovation? Do you have a business idea or an interest in offering a product or service? Do you like the idea of working for a non-profit or consulting for an organization?
Careers in this community focus on leading people and projects, developing and implementing business ideas, and creating new initiatives.
*Once enrolled in or after having completed a Pro Prep course, a Tippie undergraduate student will begin to see the Tippie Career Services office for one-on-one career-related appointments.

Science Research
Do you consider yourself inquisitive, analytical, or insightful? Are you interested in learning about scientific issues or applying technical concepts to solve problems? Does it sound like fun to perform lab experiments or utilize a microscope to examine cells? Could you see yourself investigating scientific principles by collecting and analyzing data?
Careers in this community focus on designing and conducting research to improve products, processes, and ways of living.